Award Categories and Awards Titles

Frequently asked questions

If you have any questions about the TEMI Awards we would love to speak with you. Just click on one of the contact buttons or call us and speak with a team member.

Applying for an award is easy.  You can respond to the four provided criteria in a written format. Don’t stress, we offer hints to stimulate your thought process.  Or if you find it more convenient, feel free to submit a video application.  The decision is entirely yours! Simply navigate to the TEMi Awards platform and proceed as guided by the prompts.

This really depends on the award. There are individual and organisational awards.

In the event you are applying for an award for your organisation, yourself, the team you work with or a direct report – you (the nominator) should register and complete the application.

If you are part of a joint submission (ie: you are applying in partnership with another entity) you should discuss with your collaboration partner who is best placed to submit the application. A representative from either your organisation or your collaborating partner should then register and complete the application.

The Customer Service Hero Award requires nominations to be made by the customer or client who is recognising the service provider.

Consequently, the nomination form will be completed by the nominator themselves.

Absolutely! There are no limits to the number of awards you can apply for, and it is free to apply!

Visit the TEMi Awards platform, start your application (you can save a draft at any time) and then apply for another award.  Once you are happy with your draft applications, simply ‘submit’ and you are done!

Yes. To select a winner the judging panel will consider how well you have answered the 4 key selection criteria. Each selection criteria is worth 25 points and the selection criteria is different for each award. The selection criteria can be found on the award categories webpage or via the TEMi Awards platform.

Each award has 4 key selection criteria you will need to address.
If you are submitting a video application – you should aim for no more than 5 minutes per question.
For written applications, 750 words per selection criteria is ample.

If you feel your application requires further evidence there is an option for you to upload supporting documents such as presentations, reports, testimonials, or other pertinent information that will help answer the selection criteria.

The TEMI Awards judging panel is made up of well respected industry experts. All our Judges have:

  • Strong experience and expertise in the Award Categories;
  • Considerable international business experience;
  • A passion for delivering exceptional people and business solutions to support international expansion and career mobility strategies; and
  • Are well respected in their chosen fields of expertise

Click here to read more about our judging panel.

Being appointed as a TEMI Awards Judge is a public endorsement of your passion, expertise & commitment to the growth of this ever-changing transformative industry sector. If you have:

  • strong experience & expertise in the Award Categories;
  • considerable international business experience;
  • a passion for delivering exceptional people & business solutions to support international expansion & career mobility strategies; and
  • are well respected in your chosen fields of expertise then we would love to hear from you. Click here.

There are a number of ways you can align your brand with this prestigious event. As your needs are unique, we will work with you to create a sponsor package that best meets your needs and customer engagement requirements.  Register your interest here and a member of our team will be in touch.

How It Feels To Win

Interviews with the 2023 TEMi Awards Winners