Business Travel Risk Management Excellence Award

Business Advancement Awards

Business Travel Risk Management Excellence Award

Individual / Team Award:

The Business Travel Risk Management Excellence Award recognises the role travel and/or talent mobility practitioners have played in mitigating risk and ensuring business travel program compliance. This award celebrates initiatives and practices that have enhanced the efficiency, productivity, safety, and sustainability impact on those travelling for business or international remote work contributing to the overall success and performance of the organisation over the past 2 years.

Note: This may be an interdepartmental application including talent mobility and other internal departments responsible for business travel and/or international remote work. 

Eligibility Requirements:

Travel and/or talent mobility practitioners involved in managing business travel programs.

– Individuals or teams responsible for mitigating risks associated with business travel and ensuring program compliance.

– Practitioners who have implemented initiatives or practices to enhance efficiency, productivity, safety, and sustainability impact on business travellers or those engaged in international remote work over the past 2 years.

– Professionals whose efforts have contributed to the overall success and performance of the organisation through effective risk management in business travel.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Efficient Travel Risk Management Practices: Demonstrating effective strategies and processes for managing international remote work and business travel, including travel approvals, monitoring, expense management, reporting and health and safety practices implemented.
  2. Productivity and Safety Enhancements: Implementing measures to enhance productivity and ensure the safety and well-being of employees during business travel, including access to necessary resources, support services, and risk mitigation protocols.
  3. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Incorporating sustainability principles into business travel practices, such as promoting alternative transportation modes, reducing carbon footprint, and supporting eco-friendly accommodations and services.
  4. Positive Impact on Business Outcomes: Highlighting the positive impact of business travel initiatives on overall business outcomes, such as improved client relationships, increased revenue generation, enhanced market presence, and organisational growth.

To discover the four selection criteria questions you need to answer, click the link below, register, and choose the relevant award category.