Domestic / Trans Tasman Mobility Excellence Award

Employee Engagement Awards

Domestic / Trans Tasman Mobility Excellence Award

Organisation Award:

The Domestic/Trans-Tasman Talent Mobility Excellence Award commends an organisation that has set new standards in managing and enhancing the mobility of its workforce within or between Australia and/or New Zealand. This award celebrates organisations that have innovatively improved their internal and trans-tasman mobility policies, practices, and outcomes, significantly benefiting their employees and overall business performance..

Eligibility Requirements:

– Companies or organisations operating within Australasian Region that have over the past 2 years implemented innovative strategies and policies to manage and enhance the domestic or trans-tasman workforce mobility, resulting in significant improvements or tangible benefits to employees or business performance.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Innovative Mobility Strategy Implementation: Introduction and execution of creative strategies that enhance domestic or trans tasman workforce mobility.
  2. Excellence in Employee Relocation Experience: Providing a seamless, supportive relocation experience for employees moving within the country or across the Tasman.
  3. Policy Design: Designing and implementing internal mobility policies within or between Australia and/or New Zealand that are flexible to accommodate diverse employee needs and preferences and provide the organisation with the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and emerging trends in domestic or trans-tasman mobility management.
  4. Operational Excellence in Domestic or Trans-Tasman Mobility Management: Demonstrate the organisations ability to streamline administrative procedures, minimise delays, and improving operational practices to ensure the smooth and efficient execution of domestic or trans-tasman mobility initiatives.

To discover the four selection criteria questions you need to answer, click the link below, register, and choose the relevant award category.